
Tilly Glascodine is an artist living and working across Djarra and Wurundjeri Country, with her practice revolving around creative approaches to community learning, imagination, and experimentation through librarianship, research, workshops, publishing, writing, and art making.

Tilly has a particular interest in ecofeminism, interspecies kinship studies, transformative justice, community and collective care, utopian theory and speculative fiction. 

In 2016 Tilly co-founded Incendium Radical Library (IRL), a community library and archive focused on critical literature not commonly available in public libraries, with an emphasis on centering marginalised voices. Since then she has run the IRL publishing press, writer’s residency program, and the IRL Poetry nights. She deeply believes in the transformative potential of reading and writing with community and this is where her artistic and creative practice is based.

In November 2021 Tilly started Another World Library, a portable library and art project centred around imagining worlds against ecological destruction and building socially and environmentally just futures through community exploration, research, and experimentation.

Artist C.V. 


Bachelor Fine Art, RMIT, 2016 
Graduate Diploma Arts, Gender Studies, University of Melbourne, 2022. 

IRL Publishing Press:

In 2017 I started IRL Press, an independent publisher, run out of Incendium Radical Library. The press prioritises critical and experience-based perspectives of the world, and attempts to centre marginalised voices.

I occupy space which is to say i am always grieving by Chi Tran, published 20/ 04/2017 Liquidation by Autumn Royal, published 16/12/2019

The Tower by Ainslie Templeton, published 21/12/2019

Electric Lotus by Manisha Anjali, published 30/01/2020

Undocumented by A’isyiyah, published 7/10/2020

None of us are Free Until all of Us are Free: Poetry from People in Prison, published 18/10/2020 Work and Love by Kat Capel, published 24/03/2021

Spring Poetry by Vincent Silk, Spencer Lai, Brighid Fitzgerald, Fatma Hussein, and Tyson Campbell, published 5/04/2021

Black Wattle by this mob, published 5/05/2021

Petal by Chelsea Hart, published 26/07/2021
Two Uncles by Saaro Umar, published 11/01/22

Programming for Incednium Radical Library: 

Writers’ Residencies:

01/03/19- 31/03/19 Manisha Anjali

01/06/19- 30/06/19 Saaro Umar

01/02/17- 31/02/17 Chi Tran

Poetry Readings and Events:

NGV Art Book Fair 2022, Performing Poetics with Ainslie Templeton, Chi Tran, Saaro Umar, Manisha Anjali, Stacey Stokes, and Chelsea Hart.

31/01/2020 Electric Lotus Book Launch with readings by Manisha Anjali, Mohamed Chamas, and Panda Wong.

22/12/19 The Tower Book Launch, with readings by Ainslie Templeton, Panda Wong, and Arben Dzika

12/10/19 Spring Poetry reading with Spencer Lai, Fatma Huss, Tyspon Campbell, Vincent Silk, and Brighid Fitzgerald

2/02/19 Summer Poetry reading with Manisha Anjali, Chi Tran, and Autumn Royal 20/06/18 Winter Poetry reading with Lei Lei Kung, Tyson Campbell, Frankie Hanman-Siegersma, and Saaro Umar

16/06/18 New Space Launch & Poetry Reading with Chi Tran, Panda Wong, and Fatma Huss 20/ 04/17 I occupy space which is to say i am always grieving: book launch, West Space Gallery. With reading by Chi Tran, Atong Atem, and Miss Darius Le

05/02/17 Summer Poetry Night with Chi Tran, Atong Atem, and Anupama Pilbrow

Another World Library

Event: Another World at the Park, 26th of February, 2022.

Residency at Bus Projects, April-July, 2022.

Utopian Visions: 6 week imaginiative reading and writing course, at Composite Site, May- June, 2022. 

Residency at Watch This Space Gallery, August 2022.

Workshop Series, Thinking Futures, at Watch This Space Gallery, August 2022.

Another World on the Merri, Master of Architecture studio at RMIT, July- November, 2022.

Library curation for Arts Gen Library at Footscray Arts Center and day workshop, Feburary, 2023. 

Irresistible Futures, creative reading and writing workshop at Arts Gen, Janurary, 2023. 

Utopian Visions 2: Ecological Futures, 8 part workshop Composite Site, March- May, 2023.

Thinking Futures, Rohden White Library, Union House, University of Melbourne. 

World Building with Young People, Sunshine Library, Brimbank Council, November 2023.

Brew Residency at Plumwood Mountain, Spring 2023.
